  1. 11 Suffering

From the recording Mystery

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Written on the first day of my 7th decade (11th May '23) from my work book I see that I had 2 and a half pages of rewrites before I finalised the lyric. The music was written first and then I had the idea for the theme of the song. I focused on a certain utter hateful a**hole who was once in a position of authority in America. Him and his deeply offensive cronies.

Most normal people were struggling with rising costs, facing covid, and then the general existential threat of a bunch of vile lunatics who wanted to make the world burn.

All I could offer in the face of this was some minor words of advice, never enough, but I felt I had to say something, even if it was just to myself. It could be argued that the words are very defeatist? I kinda agree but I ultimately felt that most of us ARE completely powerless in the face of corporate and political free. Taking to the streets is an obvious option but have you tried to get parking in Dublin when there's a protest march on?

So words of advice from this armchair socialist - " appreciate everything you have in life, be prepared for what's unplanned'.

August 6th 2023


Suffering (C.Carry © 2023 Alex's Room Productions)

These are hard times that we're suffering
Keeps getting tougher every day
You must find a way to disconnect
Turn your back and walk away

We are powerless to control the world
Realise and understand
Appreciate everything you have in life
Be prepared for what's unplanned

Every time I look at the news, it makes me cold inside
'Cos someone somewhere trying their best
Has the hard end of a life
Just because I turn it off, doesn't make it go away
It's a fight for morality when people feel the need
To say the worst things they can say


Shameless people lying, lying shamelessly
Catastrophising our small lives
For avarice and greed

Opinions held so hateful
They could bring us to our knees
How did the world stoop so low
Why do the brazen always seem to succeed
