From the recordings Happy Face (c.carry) and Onion

This is a song about the masks we wear. I had been numbed by the loss of Bowie to the world. DB was one of the biggest influences in my life and to be honest, I hadn't been much able to motivate myself to do much music in 2016. There's a blog page on this site that speaks more to this.
Bowie, Prince, another huge influence on my music, and also my dear friend and fellow Springsteen trueheart Stuart Eccles, all gone too soon. The world was truly off kilter in 2016.
However, I eventually put myself in front of a mic in November '16 and put the vocal on this, channeling DB in my thoughts as i sang.
Anyways! It's off my new album 'Onion' and I hope you like it. I play everything on this (drums are programmed) and it was recorded in my office at home over a weekend.
ChrisFeb 25th 2017